FREE Wedding Suit or Tux for the Groom [see details]

Renting Vs. Buying

Misconceptions about the differences of buying vs. renting a tuxedo (or suit) have been making their way around for years. Through the opinions of friends, family, strangers and now the interwebs.

Sure, renting seems easy because you just select what you need and for someone that only needs a tux or a suit for a special occasion, it’s not really worth investing in a quality garment… or is it? When making an investment, doing your research is always a good idea. Understanding the product and quality will ultimately lead to a confident and successful purchase. Doing the same for your formalwear is no different. Investing in a tuxedo or suit is something every man should experience at one point or another. It is a staple that will be worn for numerous events.

BLACKTIE’s mission is to help customers, and those alike, to have an understanding that it IS possible to OWN THE TUX, have a stylish and high-quality garment for the same price (if not less) than renting one.

But, in case you’re not sold then check out this little list that we created for your viewing pleasure:


  • Not able to be tailored or altered for that perfect fit – This is because you have to return the garment when finished. So, specific alterations are not able to be made considering the fact that someone else needs to wear that same suit after you.
  • Must return. We kind of mentioned this, but the fact that you have to literally worry about shipping your tux back the day after your event is a total buzzkill.
  • Risking and considering the fact that the person renting “your” tux before you might not be as time-aware or organized as you. So a piece of your garment is not available… what now?
  • Other people have worn them (you could be #152 to wear that tux… remember that) which means that there is potential for the garment to literally be “worn-in.” Meaning the garment could have: discoloration, stains, frays, etc.
  • Deposit required. Most of the time (since you’re renting), there is a deposit required in order to reserve your desired tuxedo or suit for your event.
  • Package deal (not able to piece together items to create a look). What you see is what you get with this one. Now, there are plenty of rentals that look awesome as is, but sometimes we want to wear khaki colored pants with our navy blazer, okay?
  • Steep pricing for something that is being worn for one day, and then returned.


  • Your tuxedo/suit is completely customizable (if desired).
  • No worries, risks, or depending on others.
  • It’s not a hand-me-down, nor has it ever been worn before. You will be the first, and last to wear your garment (unless you want to share with a friend, which is cool too).
  • Do not have to return. There are no deadlines or worrying about whether you’re going to make it to the Post Office in time to ship your suit back before getting a fine. You buy it, you own it.
  • Becomes a staple in your closet. As we mentioned above, renting (and buying – don’t get us wrong) can be a steep purchase. But, wouldn’t you rather spend money on something that you’re going to get multiple uses out of? A wedding, gala, date night, holiday party, etc.? The pieces of a tux or suit are so versatile that it essentially pays for itself in the end.
  • Did we mention that when you OWN THE TUX, you OWN THE ROOM?
  • Great quality, great price! It is possible to have a great quality and stylish garment for the same price as renting. And we should all feel better knowing that we don’t have to have the lingering sweat of Moe, Jerry and Ben on us.

Everyone has different circumstances, opinions and experiences – and we understand that. But, a majority of us (for the most part) like have somewhat control over situations that we are involved in.  So, whether you have a big meeting at work, or your girlfriend is dragging you to her sorority sister’s wedding, or you’re expected to be in a wedding yourself, consider investing in a quality tuxedo or suit. The amount of confidence and ease you’ll feel from the stress-free experience will make you question yourself why you didn’t purchase your own suit sooner.